Ballpoint pens (English: ballpoint pens) are stationary with the tip using a small spinning ball to control the expenditure of the viscous ink stored in a cylindrical column. The tip of the ballpoint pen is a small ball of brass, steel, or tungsten carbide of varying diameter, generally 0.7 to 1.2 mm. [1] Large diameter of the ball effect on the thickness of writing on paper. Ink dries in immediately after contact with paper. Pinpoints are different from pens, low-cost and maintenance-free ballpoint pens.
The mention of ballpoint as a pen commonly familiar to most Indonesian ears is a misnomer. The correct mention of this tool is ballpoint (ballpoint).
Initially, stationery that uses ink is a pen and ink that is used separately. The pens used were originally made of goose feathers as commonly used in medieval Europe, the rods used in the Middle East or even brushes used in China and Japan. The disadvantage is its use is often troublesome the wearer because the ink spilled or even spilled on paper.
The ballpoint was coined by Hungarian journalist László Biró in 1938. The bureau noticed that the ink used in newspaper printing dried up quickly and left no stains on the paper. Other difficulties when using a pen to correct manuscripts written on thin paper such as widened ink, spilled or torn paper for a fairly sharp pen socket.
The tip of a ballpoint pen
Together with his brother George, a chemist, he developed a new pen tip in the form of a sphere that could spin freely on a hole. As it spins, the ball will take ink from a cartridge, ink wetting a small ball that flows capillally and with the help of gravity. And then rolled to attach it to the paper. Because of that small ball then the new pen is called ball point pen or commonly known by the name of a ballpoint pen.
The design was later patented in Argentina on June 10, 1943 and sold under the Birome brand, which still survives to this day
The mention of ballpoint as a pen commonly familiar to most Indonesian ears is a misnomer. The correct mention of this tool is ballpoint (ballpoint).
Initially, stationery that uses ink is a pen and ink that is used separately. The pens used were originally made of goose feathers as commonly used in medieval Europe, the rods used in the Middle East or even brushes used in China and Japan. The disadvantage is its use is often troublesome the wearer because the ink spilled or even spilled on paper.
The ballpoint was coined by Hungarian journalist László Biró in 1938. The bureau noticed that the ink used in newspaper printing dried up quickly and left no stains on the paper. Other difficulties when using a pen to correct manuscripts written on thin paper such as widened ink, spilled or torn paper for a fairly sharp pen socket.
The tip of a ballpoint pen
Together with his brother George, a chemist, he developed a new pen tip in the form of a sphere that could spin freely on a hole. As it spins, the ball will take ink from a cartridge, ink wetting a small ball that flows capillally and with the help of gravity. And then rolled to attach it to the paper. Because of that small ball then the new pen is called ball point pen or commonly known by the name of a ballpoint pen.
The design was later patented in Argentina on June 10, 1943 and sold under the Birome brand, which still survives to this day
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