Easy Ways For a Teacher cherished Students - Risalah Liya

Rabu, 28 Desember 2016

Easy Ways For a Teacher cherished Students

Teacher Brother servants of God are happy, teachers are parents of students while in school. But not infrequently teachers have not been able to understand his position as a parent to them. So that not infrequently their students can not understand that their parents when at school were the teachers. As a result, students are more reluctant to obey the teacher, like to argue, not paying attention at all. Teacher feels as other people they do not know, feared, even shunned.

Yet when teachers close to the students, that's when the opportunity to understand the characteristics of the students. By understanding the characteristics of the students, the teacher is easier to find and provide the best ways for them. When the teacher is able to understand the characteristics of students and give my best for the students, then the same time the students will menyangi teachers.

With AVOID following things then the teacher will be loved and cared for the students;
1. Calling the names they do not like
Everyone will like if respected by others, and one of these is a form of respect as a good call. Imagine if we have called as we do not like? Likewise, the students, they will also be very happy if called as they like. For example, by adding the word SISTER, MBAK, or MAS before naming them. How pleased and happy they are.

On the contrary, if the teacher calls the student's name with the title that is not good, they do not like. It will lead to their hatred of teachers. Although it was only in the form of jokes or jokes, especially when the designations were spoken in their classes. They will live but it is certainly very hurt him.
2. Assessing the Deliverables and Tasks Students
When we work certainly want to know the results. The more weight we work task, the greater our desire to know the results. Similarly, the student, when the teacher gives an assignment then their hope is to know the results of the tasks they perform. The more the tasks given to the students the more they want to know the results.
But not infrequently there are teachers who pinned their hopes and expectations of students to see the results of the assessment of their work. After waiting a few days, weeks, even months of no word teacher gives results. Add disappointed after waiting a few months turned out to be students find their work has not been assessed by the teacher. Ohhhh .. how disappointed they were.

Whatever the task given. No matter how small it is, at least, can be discussed together so that students know the minimum and can judge for yourself the results of their work. It is in recognition of their hard work.

If the student's work is not assessed many times, as a result students are reluctant to perform tasks that teachers provide. They will be lazy and feel that the task given no use at all for them. It may be that they will no longer trust the teachers.

3. Rarely Smiling
Sometimes the teacher wants to look dignified he rarely smiled. There is also a thought a smile to the students to make them do not respect the teachers, because it is regarded as a friend. There are also teachers who think the prestige if smiling students. And with a smile it will bring in millions of benefit to us all.
4. Dressed not Rapi
Guru is an exemplary figure. Not only the knowledge, but almost all aspects of life becoming a teacher student behavior glass. Including how to dress the teacher. How students would be neat if the teacher just is not well-dressed.
5. Likes punish Physical
Occasionally there are teachers who are out of control when faced with students who do not obey the rules of the school. Teachers believe that physical punishment is the solution. Though this method is not effective for the improvement of students. On the other side will cause resentment on the teacher.
Replace corporal punishment with a sentence that is more educational. For example, by reading the first chapters of the Koran, writing istighfar 1,000 times, asking for signatures to all teachers so that every teacher gives advice to students before giving autographs. That way, the students are more educated.
6. Underestimating students and picky students
Picky students or in other words favoritism is an act of abomination students. Whether it is a reason for sisiswa smarter, richer, son of trustees, teacher friend of children, or for whatever reason it is not liked student. So have the hearts of all students by observing them with the same percentage.
7. Frequent swearing
Is there a teacher who cursed? There are also pretty, and teachers must be careful with the words being spoken. Very inappropriate if any teacher student cursing because of carelessness or students do not master subjects. If the teachers do this, then get ready students hated by the students.
8. Touching student body
One thing is prone to male teachers-lak


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